I recently saw Sunshine Cleaning, and I gotta agree with nearly everyone else who's talking about it. It was great. I went into the theater knowing very little about the film, actually, and was surprised at how dark it was. I had no idea what it was at all about, and without giving it away, it really was very dark.
The characters all had lots of depth, I was happy with all of the performances, and with the script and character development in general. The humor was light and dark at the same time, something that's not easily achieved. You'd find yourself chuckling, essentially at death, which doesn't happen very often.
The movie did leave me with a few questions and a few loose ends that needed to be tied up, and there were a couple story lines that either needed to be further examined and explained, or not examined at all.
You can definitely feel the 'Little Miss Sunshine' type style, and that's a good thing to me. The movie also had a soundtrack that made me want to run home and download all of it on Itunes.
Go see it! It was a good one.
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