This is the most delicious frozen thing I have eaten in a long time.
It's a cherry frozen yogurt, but the cherry flavor is that of real cherries, not fake maraschino flavoring. It has HUGE chunks of real cherries, lots of them, too, and the occasional dark chocolate chunk as well. It's so good! And even though it's frozen yogurt, I like it just as much as almost any ice cream I've tried (with the exception of Ben and Jerry's Cinnamon Buns- nothing beats it).
The nutrition facts are great, too. Each 4 oz serving (which equals 1/2 cup) has 140 calories, and 3 grams of fat. Not too shabby, weighing in at only 3 Weight Watchers points.
The bad part- it's not cheap. This 2 pint (two Ben and Jerry's worth) container I purchased at Crosby's Market was $4.29. Crosby's is definitely more expensive than a Market Basket, Shaw's or Stop & Shop, but even so, it's not going to be the same price as Hood or anything of that nature. This is true of most foods that are healthier for us, plus this frozen yogurt is also all natural.
Go for it! You won't be sorry- and if you eat an actual serving size every time, you'll get 8 servings- that's not so bad for 4 bucks.
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