For anyone who doesn't know, Lush is a cosmetics store, but all of the cosmetics are handmade, very unique, and designed with the environment in mind. Lush also has stores worldwide! From France to Croatia, to Hong Kong, Australia and Chile, they're growing and popping up everywhere!
I first heard of Lush when Bethany bought me one of their massage bars for Christmas a couple years ago. The massage bars are super cool- it's basically lotion in a solid form, you rub in in between your palms and the heat from your skin softens the outer most layer of the bar until it rubs onto your skin like lotion.
They have many products that are solid versions of things that are usually liquids- shampoos, conditioners, lotion, bubble bath, etc.
The idea is the more we use things that are solid like this, the last plastic bottles and containers we're using. Some of their products do come in plastic, but even these products are made with all natural ingredients that are environmentally responsibleThey have little reusable aluminium containters for all of the solid stuff so it doesn't just melt all over your shower.
I just bougt their Godiva Shampoo Bar last night and used it right when I got home. I was worried that it wouldn't get my hair as soapy as I would like it to, since my hair is pretty thick and it usually takes a good palmful of shampoo to get it soapy- but it worked perfectly!
It got my hair nice and soapy, and it smells fantastic- definitely more of a natural smell than you may be used to, but it smells great. I'm in love.

Here's what my new shampoo looks like:
All of the ingredients in this shampoo bar are natural, and most of them are even organic. This bar is not one of the vegan bars as it contains cocoa butter for smooth hair...but, there are many vegan selections, too.
Pretty strange, huh? It works though! Try it out sometime.
Don't be scared about the prices at Lush. Yes, this shampoo bar ran me $9.95 ... but, that's to be expected when buying cosmetics from a smallish company that uses all natural and many organic ingredients.
ALAS! We'll see how it works...but this shampoo bar is supposed to last as long as 3 bottles of shampoo! I'll put it to the test!
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